Contract Address: 0x39e472E7010aaD744CE384583524600a545FcAD5

PrincessToken is an ERC20 polygon chain token, created by the Princess of the BTCPrincess discord server. The token represents the brand, as well as generates funds through a 0.5% tax that will be used support a movement to assist survivors and victims of domestic violence.


The BTCPrincess discord crypto-hub server rose to popularity in the summer of 2022 as the Princess became a passionate influencer within the discord crypto community with a dedicated team of “royals” behind her. The server promotes all legitimate crypto projects, regularly hosts giveaways, has some of the most generous faucets on discord, and is the home server to RoyalSwap.

The Princess is the original founder of RoyalSwap who formed the partnership and team who now support and own this bot. RoyalSwap is one of the easiest ways to swap crypto currencies, allowing users to trade over 100 coins and tokens without the restrictions of trading pairs!

Domestic Violence Movement

$PRINC represents one more pillar in the BTCPrincess brand and will be used to help those who have experienced domestic violence. The Princess plans to use this token to support victims and survivors of Domestic Violence. 

The first plan of action will be to create Princess gear, including shirts, which can be purchased with the token. Shirts will not only be a part of raising money for the movement, but will guide potential victims to the BTCPrincess website, where they can find resources, support and a community to help them become a survivor. 

Please support our project by purchasing $PRINC on Uniswap today!  

Our Team

The Princess



Contract Developer

David aka “dark_dleggs”



Discord Admin/Support




Discord Admin/Support

*For the safety and security of our team, some member have chosen not to disclose their real name, social media or real photo.